The #CaptureKindness Campaign

Bordon Boxing Club, Hampshire.

Petersfield Football Club, Charity Match, Hampshire.

Bordon Boxing Club, Hampshire.

As part of my ongoing commitment to my community, I offer my photography services for free to local charities and charitable events.

The wellbeing of my community means a lot to me and so I want to take this opportunity to give back and capture a bit of kindness.

...and kindness really costs nothing.

Perhaps you're holding a function, fundraiser or would like to just have some photos handy to help raise awareness for a particular charity?

I can attend your event or function and provide photos completely free of charge, all I ask is a kind mention of myself and this campaign.

If you are or know someone involved with an organisation, please do contact me below, I'd love to help if I can!

- Shanie x

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